Anti-Ragging Committee


National Anti-Ragging Helpline

24x7 Toll Free
1800-180-5522 |

UGC Monitoring Agency

Centre for Youth (C4Y) |

Contact Details of the Nodal Officers of Anti-Ragging Committee and Squad

Anti-Ragging Committee (ARC)

Dr. Deepali A

Anti-Ragging Squad (ARS)

Dr. Prabhakara G N




University’s Policy against the Ragging in accordance with the directors of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, UGC and other Regulation bodies.

Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumkur and its constituent colleges takes most stringent view against any act of Ragging and all the prospective students are warned against indulging in any act and / abetment of ragging and their Guardians are advised to sensitize and advise their wards against the same, which may lead to most sever punishment including the initiation of criminal proceedings. The students and their guardians are strongly advised to read the rulings of Hon. Supreme Court of India as regards to the menace of ragging or may obtain the guidelines against ragging from the websites of UGC or respective regulating councils or from the University office.

At the time of admission to any of the constituent colleges of the university, all the students and their guardians will be required to submit undertaking in the prescribed format for not getting involving in any act of ragging.

Ragging includes the following:

Any conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of harassing, teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student, indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student or asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generation a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.

Punishable ingredients of Ragging including the following or any other act which is not included here but may be considered an act amounting to ragging by the competent authorities.

  • Abetment to ragging.
  • Criminal conspiracy to rag.
  • Unlawful assembly and rioting while ragging.
  • Public nuisance created during ragging.
  • Violation of decency and morals through ragging.
  • Injury to body, causing hurt or grievous hurt.
  • Wrongful restraint.
  • Use of Criminal force.
  • Assault as well as sexual offences or even unnatural offences.
  • Extortion.
  • Criminal trespass.
  • Offences against property.
  • Criminal intimidation.
  • Attempts to commit any or all the above mentioned offences against the victim's.
  • Physical or psychological humiliation.
  • All other offences following from the definition of "Ragging"

Do's & Don'ts with respect to Freshers' interaction at the Constituent colleges of SSAHE

What is ragging? Anything that may cause a fresher physical or mental discomfort due to an act of a senior. In particular,

  • Physical abuse, for example, forcing to eat, drink or smoke, forcing to dress or undress.
  • Verbal abuse, for example swear words and phrases, direct or indirect derogatory referencesto the person's appearance, attire, religion, caste, family or chosen field of study.

Forced activity, for example

  • Chores for seniors e.g. copying notes, cleaning rooms etc.
  • Attending extra-curricular events to cheer hostel teams.
  • Missing classes. Not being allowed to study.
  • Staying awake late or getting up at unreasonable times.
  • Singing or dancing or performing in any other way.
  • Using foul language or shouting or cheering loudly.
  • Misbehaving with strangers, particularly women.
  • Reading or browsing porno-graphic/objectionable material.

Lifestyle restrictions, for example

  • Not allowing certain kinds of clothing or accessories e.g. jeans, belts etc.
  • Enforcing rules regarding shaving or oiling hair.
  • Forcing certain kinds of dress.
  • Restricting access to parts of the hostel e.g. common room.
  • Requiring certain modes of address i.e. seniors should be called Sir or Ma'am.
  • Requiring a particular waking time.


  • Conversational mind-games. Particular forms of interaction in which a senior or set of seniors manipulates the conversation so as to humiliate the first year student or make him/her feel stupid or insecure or generally threatened.
  • Any interaction between freshers and seniors where the seniors are friendly, welcoming and non-aggressive is encouraged.
  • Seniors may solicit participation in clubs and other activities by announcing promotional events at well designated times and places. However, no fresher should be forced to attend. Participation by freshers can only be voluntary.
  • Seniors are requested to maintain self-imposed discipline and restraint. In particular, they should be careful about:
    • Any "interaction" outside public areas.
    • Visiting freshers' rooms during the interaction period, or inviting freshers to their rooms.
    • Forcing freshers to sing, dance or perform in any way under the guise of "talent search" or "interaction".
    • Being overenthusiastic about making freshers participate in Wissenaire Almafiesta and other activities.